2017 Graduation Tea Gathering

11 November 2017

It's time to celebrate the Class of 2017 MCCS graduates. There were 26 graduates in 2017. 


This year we were glad to invite Prof. Sivan, Acting Dean of Social Sciences Faculty to deliver a remarkable welcoming speech to all graduates and their relatives. Prof. Mak, MCCS Programme Director, presented the academic prize to award those performed well in their studies. 


Distinction Award

  • Mr. LEUNG Yue Sang, part-time student from History and Culture Concentration
  • Miss HUANG Xuedan, full-time student from Economic Development and Reform Concentration


Merit Award

  • Miss CHAN Yee Nam, full-time student from Economic Development and Reform Concentration
  • Miss QIAN Yingxuan, full-time student from History and Culture Concentration
  • Mr. CHAN Wai Yat, full-time student from Society and Community Concentration


Prof. Ruan and Dr. Chan also partcipated the Graduation Tea Gathering to congratulate to our graduate students and took group photo with them. 


We wish the 2017 Graduates all the best for their future endeavors.