The 5th Young Scholars' Conference on China Studies

20 December 2017

"New Orders in Global Politics and Economics - The Challenges and Opportunities of China Studies"


Co-organized with China Studies Programme Office, institute of Creativity, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies and Master Programme of Social Sciences in Contemporary China Studies, the "New Orders in Global Politics and Economics - The Challenges and Opportunities of China Studies" conference was sucessfully held and attracted over 70 young scholar from different countries to share their fruitful research findings. 

We were glad to invite Professor CHAN Kam Wing (Department of Geography, The University of Washington) and Professor LIU Shouying(School of Economics, Renmin University of China) to speak respectively on "Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: The Hukou System" and "Migration Structure and Changes of China's Land Institutions".

There were 21 sessions including Ethnic Studies, Arts Theories and Chinese Arts, History of Everyday Life in China, China Business and Management, Catholic Church and Chinese Science, Urban Studies, and Studies on Contemporary Chinese Movies, etc between 18 and 19 December 2017. 

To award those excellent performance in their research findings, there were 3 and 6 partcipants awarded Outstanding Paper Award and Honorable Mention respectively. 

Outstanding Paper Award



CHU Wai Li(Hong Kong Baptist University)

Colonial Relation as ‘Britain’s Other Foreign Policy’: Decolonisation and Britain-Hong Kong Relation in the 1970s

TSAI Pi-Han(College of Economics, Zhejiang University)

Fiscal Incentives and Land Finance Cycles of Prefectures in China


Honorable Mention









ZHANG Jiyu(Department of Literary and Film Studies, Leiden University)

The Ideology of Homeland: Nationhood, Kinship, and Individuality in Sinophone Cinema

PENG Juan(School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University)

Living in Liminality: Familiarity or Strangeness? Returned Women Migrant Workers in Qianjiang, Hubei Province


Photos can be found from the links below:

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